Friday, September 2, 2011

Germany does not need a spare power plants

Nuclear power plants are as cold reserve is not necessary. That said, the Federal Network Agency. Fear of blackout or power shortages apparently unfounded.

A wind power plant near Leipzig.
ethically, ecologically, economically viable, forward-looking investment

Berlin. For the cold winter months in Germany, no old nuclear power plant as a reserve will remain at the net. The Federal Network Agency confirmed that there were sufficient venture capital coal-and gas-fired plants give. "It will save us, to reactivate a nuclear power plant," said agency head Matthias Kurth. So you have to make sure about the coal power plant or the plant in Mannheim, Mainz-Wiesbaden capacity.
     BUND: criticism of nuclear policy
   * Nuclear phase-resolved
   * Greenpeace protests at nuclear-kilns in the north
   * As the price of electricity is composed

Because of the shutdown of the old German nuclear power plants, the operators had raised the alarm and attention especially in the south of an impending blackout in the winter. Subsequently, the Agency was commissioned to examine by September whether a reserve Akw is required for the next two winters. But if possible should be used fossil reserves. Kurth had therefore urged the reactivation of such plants.

'll Also ensured with two other power plant units in the Rhein-Neckar region, that there is enough reserve insurance capacity were available, said the agency network. So that the end for all eight nuclear reactors will be final.

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