Sunday, July 29, 2012

HIH and Boxberg Start Capital Joint Venture Capital investment

HIH Hamburg real estate activity GmbH (HIH) and the British real estate private equity firm Boxberg Ca capital Limited (Boxberg Capital) have established the HIHBoxberg Capital GmbH & Co. KG (HIHBoxberg Capital) based in Hamburg. The joint venture in which both partners hold 50 percent, provides a platform for investments in German commercial properties with upside potential for domestic and international institutional investors.
HIHBoxberg Capital combines high operational excellence, and institu-tional know-how of the HIH with the structuring of international expertise and experience of Boxberg Capital. The joint venture may fall back into the acquisition as well as in property management on the resources of HIH, and in particular the high-performance IT systems for asset management and pro-perty.
Both partners have in the past, many projects jointly implemented. "We are very pleased that we are the good and long collaboration with Robbin Herring, one of the founders and Managing Direc-tor of Boxberg capital, can now continue through the joint venture," says Erik Marienfeldt, managing director of HIH.
"We are creating with an action-ready participants HIHBoxberg Capital in the German market for properties with appreciation potential," said Hans-Joachim Lehmann, Head of transactions at the HIH. "In view of the development on the property investment market is now the right time to go with HIHBoxberg capital at the start."
Robbin Herring adds: "With the establishment of HIHBoxberg Capital are both partners in a position perfectly to the changing demands of investors, vendors and financial partners to take and use the time of the most interesting market opportunities."

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